other 8bit competition rules

    :: general :::.

   add simple .txt file with few informations about your work(s) as compo name, work name, who made it, some contact address. you can also write there some additional informations if you want. all your stuff in any competitions must be first presented on FOReVER party. you can send it without your presence on the party, but we are not sure if you will receive prize in the case of wining. all stuff will be published as freeware after the party.

    :: music :::.

- this is chip tunes competition, not sampletracks
- send us an executable or compile your music with a player and send us info how to play it (init, play and stop adress)
- just one music per author
- there are not any other limitations 

    :: graphic :::.

- you can use any graphics mode or mix of modes
- send your picture as code which view it or pack your picture with viewer program or send instructions how to view your picture
- there are not any other limitations

    :: intro :::.

- length of intro is max 1024 bytes, excluding basic loader
- loader can't change memory or system settings (loader JUST load and run the code)
- intro may be packed
- intro must be self running
- intro may contain sound
- if your intro is part of some demo, that demo must be also presented in demo compo on FOReVER party
- there are not any other limitations 

    :: demo :::.

- demo must be self running and first presented on FOReVER party
- demo must be first time presented at FOReVER
- there are not any other limitations 

    :: notes :::.

 usually we have different computers (sam coupe, amstrad cpc(+), thomson mo/to, pmd85...) but we can't provide every 8bit. you can contact us before the party to see if your platform will be on the partyplace. prepare an audio/video recording in some common format. try to use as less animations as possible - do a demo/intro not slideshow. we will give you 6 months to make public release of your work after the party if you will ask for it. then we will release all party works for public (if you will not ask for it, we will release your works right after the party).

:: other 8bit rules (2o23o9o4) by mike/zeroteam

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